
Sunday, 20 November 2016

What is android technology in hindi

Android OS Google का एक Linux kernel based open source mobile operating system है | Android को as Apache v2 open source license release किया गया था | Android को primarily touchscreen mobile devices जैसे की smartphones और tablets के लिए design किया गया था और आज इसने successfully users के सभी टाइप के smartphone मे अपनी जगह बना ली है | यह 2013 से tablets and smartphones मे best-selling OS है एवं दुनिया मे सबसे ज्यादा smartphones पर install होने वाला OS भी है |

What is android technology

History :- October 2003 मे Palo Alto, California मे Andy Rubin (co-founder of Danger), Rich Miner (co-founder of Wildfire Communications, Inc.), Nick Sears (once VP at T-Mobile), and Chris White (headed design and interface development at WebTV) ने Android, Inc को setup किया था | जब इन्होने android को setup किया और बनाने की सोची तो उनका intention था की एक digital cameras के लिए एक advanced operating system बनाया जाये लेकिन बाद मे उनको ये realize हुआ की digital camera का market बहुत ज्यादा नहीं है जिसके लिए इतना time and money invest किया जाये | ये वो  time था जब mobile phone का market जोर पकड़ना start ही हुआ था और धीरे धीरे एक smartphone की जरुरत महसूस की जाने लगी थी | सभी ने decide किया की smartphone के लिए operating system बनाया जाये जो की Symbian and Microsoft Windows Mobile का competitor होगा |
इस phase मे ये सभी लोग जब android पर काम कर रहे थे तब Google उनके पास गया और उनको android को acquire करने का offer किया and later on 2005 मे google ने $50 million मे Android Inc को acquire कर लिया| उस समय मे Rubin, Miner and White stayed at the company after the acquisition | बाद मे Rubin ने अपनी Google team के साथ मिलकर Linux kernel पर based mobile device platform design किया |
Android in Market – Android in Market – Google ने handset makers and carriers को एप्रोच करके एंड्राइड को market करना शुरू किया एवं उनको भरोसा दिलाया की वे एक flexible, up-gradable एंड best सिस्टम प्रोवाइड करेंगे और फिर जल्दी ही HTC के साथ मिलकर एंड्राइड ने October 2008 मे first commercially smartphone HTC Dream (Android 1.0 OS के साथ) release kiya | Version 1.0 एवं 1.1 को जब release किया गया था तो उनके नाम के साथ कोई specific code name नहीं जोड़ा गया लेकिन April 2009 के बाद (1.5 and later) के versions को confectionery-themed code names दिए गए जैसे की 1.5 को Cupcake, 1.6 को donut etc कहा गया | List of Versions –  
Android Version 1.5 – CupCake  –  April 2009
Android Version 1.6 – Donut  –  Sept 2009
Android Version 2.0-2.1 – Eclair  –  Oct 2009
Android Version 2.2-2.2.3 – Froyo  –  May 2010
Android Version 2.3-2.3.7 – Gingerbread  –  Dec 2010
Android Version 3.0-3.2.6 – Honeycomb  –  Feb 2011
Android Version 4.0-4.0.4 – Ice Cream Sandwich  –  Oct 2011
Android Version 4.1-4.3.1 – Jelly Bean  –  July 2012
Android Version 4.4-4.4.4 – Kit Kat  –  Oct 2013
Android Version 5.0-5.1.1 – Lollipop  –  Nov 2014
Android Version 6.0-6.0.1 – Marshmallow  –  Oct 2015

Android sabhi cellular standards, GSM/HSDPA and CDMA/EV-DO pr available hai. Android support: – 
3G communication protocols, like EV-DO and HSDPA
SMS messaging
video/still digital cameras
accelerated 3D graphics

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Android and Databases

● Access to remote database e.g. MySQL can occur using a PHP script hosted on the server performing the query and JSON formatting for data exchange for reference check out the Database
● Local light weight database system.

Accelerometer and Access to other Sensors

● An instance of the SensorManager is required in order to
retrieve informations about the supported sensors.

● No permission is required to access the sensor service. It is

then possible to retrieve the list of available sensors of a
certain type.

● For an accelerometer sensor, the type to use is given by the Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER constant.

● If at least one Sensor exists, it is possible to register a
SensorEventListener for a Sensor of the list.

● It is possible to specify the delivering rate for sensor
events. Specified rate must be one of :

SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_FASTEST : as fast as
SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME : rate suitable for
SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL : normal rate
SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_UI : rate suitable for UI

Sunday, 20 March 2016

           Android Upload Image to Server Using PHP MySQL

if you liked the demonstration of Android Upload Image to Server App then go ahead to know how you can do this. Lets start creating our Android Upload Image to Server Project.
This Android Upload Image to Server is having two parts
  1. PHP MySQL
  2. Android Studio
Lets start with PHP MySQL for your Android Upload Image to Server app.

Android Upload Image to Server – PHP MySQL Part

  • I am using hostinger hosting as my web server.
  • So go to your hosting accounts PhpMyAdmin and create a new table.
  • I have created the following table
  • Now we need to create a php script for our database connection
  • Create a new file named dbConnect.php and write the following code

    • Now we need one more php script to get and save our image sent from android device
    • Create a new file upload.php and write the following code

  • Create a new file upload.php and write the following code