
Saturday 19 March 2016

Connect Your Website Email Address To Gmail 

All settings From Gmail

Follow these easy steps:
  1.  Log into your Gmail account
  2.  Click on settings
  3.  Click on Accounts and Import tab
  4.  Where it says "Send mail as:"    click the link that says:
  5.   In the window that pops up, submit your website name in the Name entry, type your website email address inside Email address, uncheck the box that says Treat as an alias, in the Reply-to address you must submit your Gmail id so that emails sent to your domain id are received at your Gmail id. 
  6.  Click Next step. You will now be asked whether you want to send emails through Gmail server or your website  SMTP server. Choose Gmail because what can be more faster than Google? :)  Select the option Send through Gmail (easier to set up)  and hit Next step

          7. Now click the verify button and then visit your Domain Email account to copy a confirmation code that Google sent.
If you have followed our previous tutorials then the web address for your Google Apps Email address would look like this:
Replace your_domain with your website address.
or like this if you have shorten the web address:
         8.  Copy the confirmation code (or click the link inside that email) and then go back to your main Gmail account and paste it inside the verification box and hit Verify.

          9.  Congratulations you are all done! :)
Now click compose button to send an email and you will see that inside the "From" box you now have two email options. You can either choose to email from your Gmail id or your website id. As simple as that. 
You can also choose to select an Email id and use it as default. So that whenever you reply someone that email id appears by default in the From box. You can do that from Accounts and Import tab. click the "Make default" link next to any id you wish to use as default.

Choose different signature for each email

By default you can not set long signatures for Google Apps Domain Emails but since you have now connected them to Gmail you can set a creative signature for each of your emails that is appended at the end of all outgoing messages. Do this:
  1. Go to  settings
  2. Inside the General tab look for Signature:
  3. You will see an editor where you can design your signature for every email account you connected to Gmail.

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